Nursery Rhymes Collection for toddlers | Toddler Fun Learning

2017-11-20 3

Watch lots of great songs for children including Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in this nursery rhymes collection. How many times can you spot the Orange Cat hidden in this video? Subscribe to our channel here \r
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00:04 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r
02:30 Humpty Dumpty\r
03:36 The Wheels On The Bus\r
05:45 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes\r
07:49 Down at the Station\r
09:19 Dingle Dangle Scarecrow\r
10:56 Row row row your boat\r
12:17 Sleeping Bunnies\r
14:24 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed\r
16:03 Old Macdonald had a Farm\r
17:58 The Animal Sounds Song\r
20:11 Incy Wincy Spider\r
21:09 ABC Song\r
Our beautiful and magical version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star features Poppy flying up to her magical star friend in the night sky. Your kids are going to love watching this special nursery rhyme collection. \r
From the makers of Number Zoo and Number Farm. \r
Watch next:\r
Learn to count with Number Zoo \r
Learn to count with Number Farm \r
Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, nursery rhymes and songs for toddlers all over the world.